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My professional experience is directed towards the artistic and technical activity in carving in stone, marble, wood, as well as in artistic casting.
In the educational area, I held the position of tenured professor at the San Antonio de Areco National School of Fine Arts (Buenos Aires Province), as a professor of Sculpture in the free workshops of the Mutual de Estudiantes y Egresados de Bellas Artes (MEEBA). ), and professor of carving and modeling in the workshops of the Asociación Estímulo de Bellas Artes. At the "Luis Perlotti" Sculpture Museum in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, I gave a seminar for two consecutive years on artistic molding; and at the "Ernesto de la Cárcova" School of Fine Arts, a seminar on fine-tuning techniques within stone sculpture, and another on artistic casting at said institution. I taught sculpture techniques at the "Manuel Belgrano" School of Fine Arts and sculpture in the fourth year of the specialized teaching staff of the "Lola Mora" School of Fine Arts in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. As a jury, I participated in various local and provincial salons in the area



National School of Fine Arts of San Antonio de Areco (Province of Buenos Aires), tenured professor.

Mutual of Graduates and Students of Fine Arts (MEEBA), professor of sculpture.

Stimulus Association of Fine Arts, professor of carving and modeling.

Municipal Museum of Sculpture "Luis Perlotti", professor of artistic molding.

Argentine Society of Plastic Artists (SAAP), jury in the Closing Salon and in the Small Format Salon.

Undersecretary of Culture of the Nation, Jury on his behalf before the Provincial Hall organized by the Secretary of Culture of the Province of Chubut.

Director of the Artistic Foundry Seminar of the Su Escuela




Pandemic year. Development of virtual 3d sculpture techniques, several pieces developed virtually and then 3d printed in PLA, to later be cast in bronze. Works like "Plegaria", "Atlante", "Flavia", "Caballo", "Florence" were cast throughout this year.



Bronze bust of the Argentine politician Alfredo Palacios at the request of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the province of Santa Fe.



Creation of a monument in homage to "Juliet", a bronze figure representing a figure skater.



Realization of a monument to Eva Perón in bronze 4 meters high, for an individual.



Realization of a monument to the Friesian Horse modeled and cast for a particular stud farm.


Making of the shields of the perimeter fence of the Ministry of Social Action building, representing the portrait of Eva Perón. Participation in the first meeting of sculptors in the city of La Toma, in the province of San Luis, travertine carving.

Casting of the monuments to Néstor Kirchner and Juan Perón for the Municipality of Avellaneda in the Province of Buenos Aires.

Participation in the Meeting of Sculptors of the city of La Banda in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Colored quebracho wood carving.

Realization of the Monument to Alfredo Palacios, with a design by Hermenegildo Sábat and by direct order of the Honorable Senate of the Nation.


Casting of the monument to Los Patricios de Mayo, for regiment No. 1 Patricios, in the city of Buenos Aires.


Realization of the monument to Mones Cazon, for the centenary of the founding of the city of Mones Cazon.


Restoration tasks in the Hall of Presidential Busts of the Government House of the Argentine Republic, and the White Hall of the same house.


Design and foundry of the provincial and national shields of the perimeter fence of the Government House of the Argentine Republic (Casa Rosada).


Collective exhibition of artists of Polish origin within the framework of the Argentine-Polish cultural week, sponsored by the Polish embassy in Argentina, at the "Hoy en el Arte" gallery.

Construction of a monument to the Liberator General San Martín, for the municipality of Tilisarao, Province of San Luis.

Collective exhibition in the "Jardín de las Esculturas" at the invitation of the "Luis Perlotti" Sculpture Museum in Buenos Aires.

Collective exhibition at the "Casal de Cataluña" by invitation of the Braque Gallery (Buenos Aires)


Collective exhibition of artists of Polish origin organized by the Delfiny Gallery in Warsaw (Poland), in the rooms of the Metropolitan Museum.


Collective exhibition in the art gallery "Alicia Brandy".
Solo exhibition at the "Reconquista Plaza" hotel in Buenos Aires, at the invitation of the "Luis Perlotti" Municipal Museum of Sculpture.




Collective exhibition in the "Magda Frank" museum (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires).
Collective exhibition in the Municipal Museum "Roca" (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires)


Reinstallation of the artistic foundry workshop.


Collective exhibition in the Municipal Hall "Manuel Belgrano" (Autonomous City of Buenos Aires).

Collective exhibition in the city of Warsaw (Poland), at the invitation of the Argentine Embassy in that country and with the endorsement of the Argentine Foreign Ministry.
Collective exhibition "80 years of MEEBA", at the Recoleta Cultural Center.

nineteen ninety six:
Seminar on expansion and fine-tuning in stone dictated by me at the "Ernesto de la Cárcova" Higher School of Fine Arts.
Collective exhibition in the Honorable Deliberative Council of the City of Buenos Aires.

nineteen ninety five:
Collective Exhibition "Great Masters of Plastic Arts", in the Honorable Deliberative Council of the City of Buenos Aires.

Monument to Christ the Redeemer, commissioned by the Municipality of the Lanús party, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation.

Sculpture in pink marble from Córdoba located in the gardens of the Superior School of Fine Arts of Buenos Aires.

Monument in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the creation of Botica del Ángel, commissioned by the Municipality of Buenos Aires, located on Lima street at 700.

Foundation of the sculptural foundry workshop, in collaboration with other colleagues.

Integration of the shortlist of winners of the "Bust of the Holy Father" contest, John Paul II, Messenger of Peace, organized by the Latin American Association of Plastic Artists.

Participation in salons and collective or individual shows to date.
Incorporation into the artistic foundry workshop of the sculptor Humberto Montes.

Incorporation into the workshop of the Spanish sculptor Don Ramón Castejón, specializing in stone and marble carving

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